"Better the poster than me." The Major replied looking back at the smoldering hulk of his K2, a gaping hole in its center torso where a gauss round had cored straight through into the engine which had subsequently exploded.
"I’m sick of dealing with these whining Steiner brats… We need to get off this rock and back home." Alture complained.
"We asked. They won’t send us back. They want us to stop this from spreading," explained the Major.
"Grow a pair, Bainbridge. We’re Davion not Steiner. We're the good guys!" Alture grumbled removing the Federated Commonwealth insignia from his uniform and stomping it into the ground as if to emphasize the point.
Looking back again at his K2 he could see that the new paint with the Coreward Regional Defense Battalion emblem had chipped away to reveal an older version, C.O.R.E.D. It was the old Coreward Operational Region Expeditionary Division crest. Alture was right. They weren’t a garrison unit.